3 great reasons to have an Live Guided Virtual Tour
How 360 Photo Tours Are Benefiting From Live Guided Tour
Mankind regularly makes contributions to the technology that is benefiting the businesses to generate smart ways to attract customers. For businesses, property dealers, college faculty, or other emerging businesses, the virtual tour’s introduction is a boon and now we add Live Guided Tours
Many of you are already aware of numerous 360 Photo Virtual Tours available in the market, but not everyone is up as per business needs. Now, many of you wonder why Live Guided Virtual Tour is a great plus in today’s digital era. Below are the 3 great reasons to have an LGT (Live Guided Virtual Tour).
Provide Your Virtual Reality Experience: For students, employees, and more, work from home is the new norm. It demands a new technology that can bestow the virtual world to mark your presence. 360 Photo Tours is the answer to this demand. Gone are the days when the virtual tours were limited to showcase the virtual representation of a property, class, or other areas. The property dealers primarily used the old-fashioned virtual tour to showcase ready-to-buy properties to global clients.
With augmented reality added with computer-guided simulation, you can experience a three-dimension visualization of the environment. The 360 virtual tool further lets you navigate the virtual world and lets you experience the 3D world in real-time. See Examples Heres
More than Just Screen Sharing: Till now, numerous virtual tour opportunities provide screen sharing to the end-user. However, working with Live guided tours is far more than just sharing your screen. Today’s technology offers you an easy-to-communicate option enriched within the virtual tour.
Another big difference that makes the Live Guided Tour different from other virtual tour option is communicating with 360-degree screen sharing via various communication channels (Skype, Zoom, etc.) With the Live Guided mode, you can continue your conversation, offering additional rights to the host to take a virtual tour. As an advantage, you are also provided with in-tour audio that lets you communicate with the team regardless of the ongoing virtual tour.
Build Trust For Your Business: Today, customers always prefer visiting the business’s physical address that boosts their decision-making potential and builds trust. The growing popularity of Google Maps has also become a giant tool to visualize any place via Street View. Hence you need a tool that helps the customers to step into your office and get a virtual tour.
For whatever business you own, 360 tours with Street view technology technique gives a live guided tour to the customers that helps them in decision making and building trust towards your brand/services. If you are looking for a 360 virtual tour of your business, visit 360i.se that provides you a high quality 360-degree virtual tour of your business inviting leads right from your desktop. Remember, live guided tours are nowadays available for almost every business.
Ending the words, the integration of live guided tour with the communication mediums is a leap in the digital world era where people are looking forward to using high-end technologies with advanced traits. What more do you think about the future of live guide tour? Do let us know in the comment section below.
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